3 X 10 = 30!!!
Caintha, Cute Coney and Commander Cody 10 years Young!
Today, March 26, Caintha, Cute Coney and Commander Cody, have become 10 years old. A very respectable age! They are still very fit, walk along every day and play with Brandir. Caintha and Coney lived here all their lives, but Cody came back last June and has in no time adapted to our rhythm of life. With traveling he has no problem and the long walks he finds delicious. Cody is a real woolly but that makes him quite attractive. Most people still think he's a puppy, especially if he's gonna play with a stick or make crazy bokkesprong! There he is very good at it! Is it not a lovely little guy?!
We have been to "the most" today. A recreation area just across the border in Belgium. You can enjoy walking but the most important thing is that it consists of sand and water! And today there was also a severe wind! What does a greyhound want even more??!! Also Calhoun is doing brave!