Terichline Tanager

Terichline Tanager







Breeder: Caroline Dowsett


Born: 19-10-1998


Died: 01-12-2005 due Lymphoma


Coursinglicense: DEE42RC





Tanager has run its first coursing on 29-04-2000 and his last on 26-10-2002. A total of 27 coursings and of course several funcoursings. He obtained one CACIL and three CACC’s. Unfortunately, after two amputated toes on his right foot, he could not run anymore, very unfortunate because he loved it.











Tanager was only shown eight times but got 4 x 1Exc, 1 x 2Exc, 1 x 1VG, 1 x 2VG, 2 x CAC, 1 x CACIB and 2 x Junior BOB. During the Breedshow in England, he was placed fourth in the Open class.





Tanager and his sister Thistle were a huge two-unit, where one was, the other was.

If possible they lay together on a bed. When Thistle died, Tanager did not get over it. His Lymphoma brought him a godsend, he could be with his sister again.


There is not bred with Tanager.

