Interesting articles general.
Regularly you encounter interesting articles that you will actually want to go through later or what you think “I must remember” and then forget about it again.
That’s why I have a page for such articles. If you have an interesting article, please send it to me. I place as many original articles as possible but you have a good translation of something then that is also welcome.
Inheriting and environmental factors for a stomach torsion
Lumbosacral Stenosis (Cauda Equina)
Lure-bite: Deerhounds & lure coursing
Qualifications and their elaboration on breeding-accountability of the Judges.
Behold the perfect canine running machine, the Greyhound.
Thoughts On Puppy Milk Replacers.
Zeuterin: Chemical Sterilization or Male Dogs.
FCE-Fibrocartilaginous Emboli.
Golden Retriever study suggests neutering affects dog health.
The ‘ runny Nose ‘ That Isn’t ‘ Just a Cold ‘.