Jahresausstellung Deerhounds in Greppin


July 2: The Jahresausstellung of the Deerhounds in Greppin in the former East Germany. Unfortunately, only 52 Deerhounds were reported, 18 males for Sue Piggott and 34 bitches for Mary Girling. 2 males and 1 bitch were absent. 1 male received a disqualification because of unheard behaviour in the ring. The incredible happened when Calhoun became best male, Cheytah best bitch, BOB and BIS and they were elected to best couple together. And both from the Use dog Class! Such a rash has never had the Jahresausstellung! [/caption] 3 July took place the LCO coursing. Initially 6 males and 11 bitches were reported but 1 male and 2 bitches were withdrawn so they ran mixed. There were very spectacular courses to see as it was a very exciting course. Cheytah became second and Calhoun best male and fourth. Both received the prize for beauty and performance.

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