Calhoun, still going strong!
In the meantime Calhoun has had his third chemo cure and fortunately again no nasty side effects. The first four days after administering, he gets Cerenia tablets against nausea and they do their job fine. He just keeps eating. Also the Peroxicam he still gets. However, he is currently losing his garnish. Also his paws are getting balder. But if that's the worst, I'll make sure. Johan de Vos has decided to Carboplatin Calhoun one time and the other time epirubicin to serve this in connection with the kind of osteosarcoma. Now but hope that the desired effect also reveals itself; Longer service life. However, Calhoun receives holistic support and recently Salvestrol. This seems to work very strongly celbeschermend and we have already heard very positive stories about it. So try it! In the meantime, we find that at Calhoun his hearing was in his linkerachterpoot. He barely listens, and certainly if he thinks something to see or wants to see something, he is gone. I can only walk a little behind him because he does not do it in principle. If I stay in his neighbourhood, and at some point the others give a biscuit loud and clear, he will come back again. It is difficult, because you have to take the time, as soon as you have an appointment there is no more. Keeping him on the leash is very difficult because his tempo is quite different and it is quite difficult for him to walk more slowly. If I want to walk so that it's easy for him, I have to jog. I like that, but not 20 minutes or longer! It is also quite frightening when he shoots behind, when something happens with his right hind leg we have a big problem. But yes, he still has to be able to stay a little himself and enjoy life.