Chidish and Cytaugh
By now we are a few weeks further and Chidish and Cytaugh have found their turn well. Brandir is incredibly refurbished and eats like a boat worker, he's even on the thick side! He enjoys plenty of his children, plays with them, keeps an eye on them and feeds them on. Chidish Chidish and Cytaugh amuse themselves expensive with the many toys that are rondslingert, the pine apples and branches that lie everywhere, the chickens and everything that creeps and flies. Cytaugh … And the proud Papa Brandir Also they have found their cool spot for when it is hot. We are not so happy about it, because they dig up the wiring of the garden lights and the dry, mulled sand walls of course terribly but they find it such a nice place that we still allow it. They regularly go to BOS and HEI and Brandir always takes them along in his wake. Especially Cytaugh finds this very exciting and also shows the greatest guts. A promise for the future!!